
The Commitments Guide is available online!

Many businesses and municipalities in Quebec wish to invest in the movement of
reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and contribute to strengthening
economic relations. However, many of them are wondering what to do, what
the right approach is, and especially where to begin?

In 2021, Indigenous peoples adopted a vision for the future in terms of economic
development. A vision in which their strengths, combined with those of the
business community and civil society of Quebec, would allow all their ambitions
to come to fruition. A vision, which when realized, will change not only the
economic situation of Indigenous peoples, but also Quebec’s.

Inspired by this vision of the future, this document contains suggestions for
commitments with the potential to generate measurable, tangible, and
significant benefits for a better inclusion of Indigenous peoples in the Quebec
economy, particularly in the areas of housing , tourism, employment and training,
entrepreneurship and reconciliation.


Click here to read the Commitments Guide